Back-to-School with StyleTechCraft
Back-to-school time! It is such a mix of emotions for everyone involved, isn't it? Teachers are excited to get started on another year while also lamenting the end of carefree days. Students are full of nerves & excitement but are lamenting the end of carefree days even more! The only ones excited about back-to-school are the parents, right?
No more hectic summers shuttling kids around from summer camp to a friend's house to the pool to the beach and everywhere in between. No more listening to the kids complain that they are bored all summer long. It reminds me of an old commercial where the mom was singing “It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” as her kids did their back-to-school shopping.
With school starting, parents can get back into the routine of early mornings, making lunches and homework before dinnertime.
With routine comes preparation, right? I've found that preparing for back-to-school (and the subsequent school year) requires being organized. That’s where StyleTechCraft vinyl comes in! I've compiled a list of ways to use your StyleTechCraft vinyl for all your back-to-school needs, plus a few cool projects!
StyleTechCraft has more than 150 colors, everything from your “basic” colors to glitter to opal (it changes colors!).
Labeling is the easiest way to get organized anytime, but especially for back-to-school.
Label your pantry area
Create baskets for the kids' lunch snacks and label the baskets
You can even make fun decals to put on your kids’ lunches. Learn more here!

Label the front door area
This only works if you have any entryway “command center” if you will. We have a spot where the kids drop their backpacks, shoes, coats, etc. right in our foyer. There are little containers for their lunchboxes, etc and they have been labeled with their names. You can also put names on hooks, shelves....just about anything. The key is to get everything organized and labeled!
Personalize water bottles or their thermos (or both!)
This one is such quick and easy one! You can do something really simple by just putting their name on the bottle or you can jazz it up by adding a fun font or graphic so that it is more personalized. By adding their name to things, hopefully your kids will be less likely to lose it and when they still do, there's better chance of getting it back because their name is all over it!
Personalize notebooks, folders and planners
Who wants just a boring white binder or folder when you can a bring one with extra sparkle or color?!
Personalize pencil bags & boxes
Once again, why have the same thing as everyone else when you can stand out?

Matte Removable Film
StyleTechCraft’s matte removable line is great for so many back-to-school projects.
Teachers can decorate their classrooms
Kids can decorate their bedrooms
Maybe put up a few inspirational quotes above their desks so they always feel motivated!
Also great for lockers!
Personalize your dorm room with some matte removable film on the walls. Easily removable once the semester is over or when you are just ready for a little bit of a change!
This cute magnet is a great gift from mom to remind you to call her. She’s worried!

Represent your kids’ school but making a cool decal for your vehicle!
Teachers’ Gifts
Make a teachers’ day by giving them a cute, personalized gift.
We did these cute pencil holders with inspiring quotes about teaching.
We also did this personalized tray.