"Let Me Love You a Little More..." Picture Frame

Since I've become such a fan of StyleTech Craft's Transparent line, I wanted to do ONE more project using it. I had bought an extra "float frame" at Hobby Lobby & wanted to try something different than the stained glass I had done previously (read more about it here).
I decided to use the frame as a more traditional frame with a couple of pictures and add a quote to the glass. Since the vinyl would be transparent, you can still see the pictures behind the glass with no problems.
What you will need:
"Float frame" (I used this one)
StyleTech Craft's Transparent Vinyl in Sky Blue
Transfer Tape
I knew exactly the pictures and quote I wanted to use for this project right away.
"Let Me Love You a Little More Before You're Not Little Anymore"
Such a great quote that would be perfect next to baby pictures of my son!
This is a very quick and simple craft project that would make a great gift for a baby shower or first birthday!
The first step is to plot out the quote in Sky Blue Transparent vinyl.
Using transfer tape, I applied the quote to the glass. Here is the finished project on my work table before adding the pictures behind the glass.

After that, I simply added the photos I wanted to the frame and added the backing.